Saturday, March 15, 2008

Government Swastika Buildings Prove 9-11 an Inside Job

From the ground, the Wesley Acres Methodist retirement home looks like any other building. So does the Coronado Naval Base in San Diego But fly over in an airplane, and the outline is unmistakable: It's one big swastika. Built in the mid-1970s and late-1960s, respectively, they were both part of a tangled, government-funded conspiracy to honor Nazis. The swastika shape of Wesley Acres in Decatur pays homage to the German scientists who came to nearby Huntsville after World War II and designed the rockets that helped convince the rest of the world that Americans landed on the moon -- which we also know to be a LIE. This, in my opinion, PROVES that 9-11 was an inside job, primarily orchastrated by Dick Cheney and Peter Wolfowitz with the complicity of George Bush. Here are the two buildings in question:

1 comment:

  1. Quite compelling, and your evidence is overwhelming in my view. The proof is right there! Where are articles of impeachment for Bush/Cheney/Rove?!?!?! I’m going to email my Congressperson, Pelosi Today!
