Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Why Rev. Wright Matters

A lot of people in the Drive-By Media are complaining about the negative publicity that Barack Hussein Obama has received as a result of his racist mentor Rev. Wright. It has been suggested that the attention is unfair because he is Obama's former pastor, and that Rev. Wright is his own man.

First, the only reason Rev. Wright is Obama's former pastor is because Rev. Wright retired, not because Obama left the church after he and his family sat through the racist tirades.

Second, Rev. Wright is relevant, because Obama will not take a position on anything, and he has never accomplished anything and has no record. Therefore, we have to evaluate Obama and predict his future actions by the character of those with whom he has chosen to associate for over 20 years, such as Rev. Wright and the American Terrorist William Ayers. That's fair.

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