Thursday, October 16, 2008

News Media Ignores Lies Told by Joe Biden

Obama's pick for Vice President, Sen. Joe Biden, made a number of stupid remarks, and told a lot of lies, during his debate against Gov. Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin refuted his comments, yet after the debate, the News Media fawned all over Joe Biden claiming he won the debate. Huh?

Joe Biden said, "Vice President Cheney . . . doesn't realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States, that's the executive -- he works in the executive branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that."
WRONG -- Article 1 of the Constitution does not define the role of the executive branch. It defines the role of the legislative branch, otherwise known as the branch in which Joe Biden has served for the last 36 years.

Biden further stated, “He has no authority relative to the Congress” — other than to vote in the Senate when there is a tie.
WRONG -- Article I, section 3, states that the Vice President is the President of the Senate. He (or she) has no vote unless there is a tie, but holds that position regardless. The President of the Senate has signficant legislative power by controlling procedure in the Senate. Nowhere in the Constituion is the VP’s authority limited, or ‘defined’ other than this one mention of the VP’s role (which in any case contradicts Biden’s assertion that the VP has no authority in the legislature). So when Sarah Palin said the role of the Vice President is not just limited to casting a tie-breaking vote, she was right.

Joe Biden said, "When the stock market crashed in 1929, President Roosevelt got on TV right away and calmed the people down."
WRONG -- Roosevelt was not the president in 1929 when the stock market crashed and there was no such thing as TV in 1929. How come the media did not attack Joe Biden for this huge gaffe? What would have happened if Sarah Palin made the same remark?

Joe Biden said, “When we kicked — along with France, we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, I said and Barack said, ‘Move NATO forces in there.’”
WRONG -- A complete fabrication. Neither the US,nor France kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, and NATO never went to Lebanon. Not only that, but when Hezbollah was in Lebanon, Barack Obama was in high school, so how would he have been able to direct NATO to do anything?

Joe Biden said, “[W]e spend more money in three weeks on combat in Iraq than we spent on the entirety of the last seven years that we have been in Afghanistan building that country.”
WRONG -- The totals are $661.1 billion in Iraq versus $177.5 billion in Afghanistan. Biden inflates the difference by a factor of twenty.

Biden said, “Look, all you have to do is go down Union Street with me in Wilmington and go to Katie’s Restaurant or walk into Home Depot with me.”
WRONG -- While there was a Katie’s in Wilmington, it has been closed for OVER 20 YEARS. It also was not on Union Street.

Joe Biden said, “Ahmadinejad does not control the security apparatus in Iran. The theocracy controls the security apparatus.”
WRONG -- The theocrats in Iran certainly have a great deal of influence, but to say the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, does not control the country's army is dead wrong.

Joe Biden denied that Obama said he would sit down and negotiate, without precondition, the Iranian leader Ahmadinejad. "Never said that," Biden claims.
WRONG -- Obama said this during every debate during the Democratice primary, and Joe Biden even criticized Obama for taking this position during the primary. Now that he is the VP nominee, he seems to forget this.

Biden: “[T]wo years ago Barack Obama warned about the sub prime mortgage crisis.”
WRONG -- He demanded banks give mortgages to people without demanding income/asset verification.

Lying about Sarah Palin, he said: “She imposed a windfall profits tax up there in Alaska. That’s what Barack Obama and I want to do.”
WRONG -- Palin adjusted the severance tax; there was no new/increased windfall-profits tax. Also, the preexisting Alaskan oil and gas windfall tax was repealed while Palin was governor.

Biden: “[O]ur commanding general in Afghanistan said the surge principle in Iraq will not work in Afghanistan.”
WRONG -- Although Palin misstated his name (it is McKiernan, not McClellan), Biden misstates his position. Gen. McKiernan has said that he does not want to use the word surge because it is too tied to Iraq, and that the exact programs in Iraq would not be directly transferable to Afghanistan because of differences in the countries (naturally), but he still advocates a surge.

This list could go on and on, but the point has been made.

I find it amusing (in a sad way) how many commentators are praising Biden’s performance because of his knowledge and grasp of detail. It’s not too hard to grasp details when you pull them out of your own butt. The challenge comes later, when you have to remember those sort of ‘facts.’

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