Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama Speechwriter Quits, Vows to Vote for McCain!!!

WENDY BUTTON, a long time liberal (obviously a classical liberal) Democratic speechwriter for the Obama campaign (and formerly with Jon Edwards and Hillary Clinton), has announced she is quitting the Obama campaign and will vote for John McCain.

She attributes her change to an epiphany she just had while watching the liberals viciously attack "Joe the Plumber" for merely asking The One a question.

The Democratic Party, and particularly Obama, are Marxists who want power above all else. They seek to oppress the common man by taxing into submission those who dare to rise above their allotted station in life and seek to achieve the American Dream without the permission of Big Government. If women and racial minorities dare to think for themselves and hold views contrary to the Liberal Establishment, they are destroyed.

Case in point: Sarah Palin, Clarence Thomas, and --- until he came crawling back holding his hat out for tokens -- Colin Powell (who they despicably called an Uncle Tom before his October Conversion).

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