Sunday, December 28, 2008

Woman Bites Husband's Schlong to Avoid Sex

Charris Bowers, aged 27, from Deltona Florida, tried to bite her husband's wiener off because she didn't want to have sex. When she and her husband, Delou Bowers, came home from a bar on December 19, 2008, she began to perform oral sex on him, but then decided she didn't want to escalate the encounter into intercourse. So, she decided to cause severe injury and bit her husband's penis. When she ignored his cries for her to stop, he had to punch her in the face to make her stop. He called cops, and she was arrested for battery. More on this story as it develops.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Website I Always Read

In addition to the Drudge Report, I always make a point to visit Renew America's website. Truly one of the best out there.

Take a look:

Much better than thenextnovember or newsmax.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Douche Bags of MSNBC

There are 3 douche bags at MSNBC. They are, as follows:

1. Keith Oblermann, Douche-Bag Extraordinaire, is a ranting left wing, anti-Christian bigot who has celiac disease (chronic, gassy, smelly, liquid bowel movements) and restless leg syndrome (where you bounce your leg up and down all day). Funnier still, he also has a loss of depth perception after the idiot hit his head on the top of a subway car door while trying to impress a woman by "going green" and riding the subway instead of driving!!! Consequently, he is no longer allowed to drive by order of the New York Department of Motor Vehicles! Way to go, douche bag. Most guys just donate blood or give money to a bum to impress chicks -- you became brain damaged! He is also well known in the New York barfly-whore community to have micro-phallus (a very tiny wiener). Just google "Keith Olbermann" and "small penis" and you will get the full story.

2. Rachel Maddow, J-Boy's Fantasy Woman, aka, Too-Clever-For-The-Room, is a short haired lesbian who thinks she is the smartest woman, er, "person" alive. She belittles those who hold differing opinions by mocking them with the most sophomoric of humor. She thinks Bill Maher is brilliant. Her hairy armpits, legs and crotch have never been groomed or even trimmed. When you get past her affable personality, and listen to what she says, she is a really immature person. And her farts will clear a room faster than an anthrax scare.

3. David Schuster, the Pussy Who Over Sleeps, has severe coffee breath and can only talk by moving his lower lip and with his eye lids drooping. He is a coward who does not have the balls to stand by what he says. He is a typical drive-by media representative in that he will talk shit, but then run away like a coward and not face the music.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Obama Must Be Guilty

Lately, I've noticed the liberal news media begin to downplay what Illinois Gov. Blago did in trying to sell the senate seat. They are saying, "It was just hard-ball politics, not a criminal act."

Something tells me they have information that Obama was involved at a deeper level than he has admitted, and they are preparing "the public" for what is about to come out on tape.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sometimes Things Just Work Out

Seperated at Birth

Washington Governor Christine Gregoire (who invited Christian-hating bigots to erect a vicious display in the state capitol while forbidding a Christmas display) and the Grinch who stole Christmas!

Who Throws a Shoe, Honestly?

President George W. Bush, Ninja

Obama Campaign Cleared

Obama's transition team held a press conference yesterday to announce it had completed an internal review of contacts with Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and they have all been cleared of any wrongdoing by the Office of the President Elect. I guess that makes it official.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Former Hot Chick Croaks

Former hot chick, Bettie Page, died in Los Angeles after suffering a heart attack on December 2, at the age of 85.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Now We Can Say "Hussein"

Obama says he plans to use all three of his names when he takes the oath of office in January, highlighting the name whose use was forbidden by the media and his staff. Those who dared say the name aloud were labelled as racist, even by GOP candidate John McCain.

In a newspaper interview with reporters from the Chicago Thug Tribune and Liberal Ass Times, Obama was asked: “Do you anticipate being sworn in as Barack Obama or Barack Hussein Obama?"

He lied in response, “I think the tradition is that they use all three names, and I will follow the tradition, not trying to make a statement one way or the other. I'll do what everybody else does.”

In fact, all presidents have not used their middle names when taking the oath of office. Jimmy Carter went as “Jimmy Carter.” Ronald Wilson Reagan took the oath as simply “Ronald Reagan.”

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Obama Not a Natural Born Citizen

Give an Abortion Coupon for CHRISTmas!!

Use this coupon to kill a child

The sick, Obama fist-bumping (see photo below as proof)
pro-baby killing lovers are now offering Christmas gift certificates for sale just in time to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was preordained and formed in the womb by God the Father. It is amazing that they would celebrate abortion when we as a people are celebrating the birth of the Lord.

Woman Killed During Marriage Proposal

Proposal Rock

Scott Napper had taken his Filippine bride-to-be, 22-year old Leafil Alforque, to Proposal Rock near Neskowin Beach to ask her to marry him. The area received its name because it is a place where marriage proposals are frequently made. The couple had dating since 2005 when they met on the internets. The would-be bride just arrived 3 days earlier on a visa from the Philippines. The would-be groom said the tide had receded around Proposal Rock last Saturday when the couple began to walk toward it. He planned to propose and give her a ring he was carrying in his pocket. about 3 yards from the rock a 3-foot high wave suddenly crashed on her and the 93 lbs, 4'11" woman was washed away and killed. The body of the woman, pictured below, has not been recovered.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Obama Holds Press Conference

Obama has announced he will hold a press conference today.

Heavy traffic on the 405 at the Sepulveda Pass and at the Orange Crush.

Temperatures are at 73 degrees in Santa Monica today.

Light rain in Seattle.

Keith Olberman has demanded President Bush resign.

No terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11.

New Hazing Ritual Sweeps America

(the actual restaurant at the Chandler Fashion Center)

At the Cheesecake Factory in Chandler, Arizona, employees who are promoted from "server" to "food expeditor" are subjected to a hazing ritual employees affectionately refer to as "dry raping." The group of employees grab the guy who was promoted, take him to the walk-in freezer, pull down his pants, and rub their wieners on the butt area. One guy didn't appreciate the treatment, so he reported it to police. Accodring to police, employees described the incidents as "dogpile, initiation, kitchen games, hazing, manhandling, horseplay and normal joking activity among Hispanic cooks." Susan Lipkins, a psychologist from Long Island, N.Y., an expert in conflict and violence, said sexual hazing like this is normal, but is more commonly found among high school and college athletics or in fraternal organizations such as the military or law enforcement.

Here is a link to his lawsuit:

Gay Nazi Resort Opens in Belgium

I can't read Belgiumese, but this is supposed to be an advertizement for a gay, Nazi-themed vacation resort in Belgium.

Man Arrested for Refusing to Drive Drunk!

Last week, Florida police arrested Joshua James Fagan, age 27, after observing a pickup truck driving erradically. It appears Mr. Fagan was so drunk that he had his 9 year old son drive him to the liquor store on a beer run. An opened case of beer was found in the backseat. He has been charged with child cruelty and allowing an unlicensed minor to drive. Instead of driving drunk, this guy was trying to be safe. What's wrong with that?