Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fast Food Restaurant Stacks Buns Next to Toilets

This fast food restaurant in Florida is pretty sick. They stacked hamburger buns in the men's room next to the toilets. Who knows how many times someone missed the toilet and soaked the bread, which later would dry out, be unnoticed by the cooks, and devoured by unsuspecting customers? The lesson: DON'T EAT OUT.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Why You Shouldn't Give Money to Panhandlers

Latarian Milton, 7 Year Old Car Thief

A remorseless 7 year old car thief named Latarian Milton gave the following interview after stealing his grandmother's Dodge Durango and crashing into several cars along a 6 mile stretch of traffic.

Reporter: Why did you take the car?

Latarian: Cause I wanted to do it. My friend was in the car with me.

Reporter: Where did you take it, Latarian?

Latarian: I took it on a high speed chase!

Reporter: How did you know how to drive?

Latarian: Because, I seen my Grandma do it. All the people do it.

Reporter: What do you think about the people whose cars you hit?

Latarian: I don't think nothin' bout them.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Never Bungee on a Full Colon

Hitler Action figure a HIT in Anti-Semetic Ukraine

An action figure of Hitler has gone on sale in (surprise) the Ukraine. Supermarkets in the capital Kiev are stocking the 40 centimeter high figure of the fuhrer, complete with jackboots, leather trench-coat and swastika armband. The £100 figure has a spare head "with a kind expression on it," glasses and several changes of clothes. Wow. The perfect gift for little boys who play with dolls. Seriously, folks, what is this world coming to? Idi Amin, Charles Manson, and Jeffrey Dahlmner dolls are next..

Cop Arrested for Raping Cow

Moorestown, New Jersey police officer Robert Melia, Jr., 38, was charged last week for having non-consensual sexual intercourse with cows. These charges were levied on the heels of previous charges of sexually assaulting 3 girls. The animal cruelty charges, which are felonies, are punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $15,000 fine. The cruelty charges involve sex acts with cows between June and December 2006 at an undisclosed location in Southampton. The girls were assaulted at his home between 2003 and 2006. QUESTION: For anyone who has been to a county fair and seen the cows artificially inseminated -- How to you look at a cow and think, "I think I'll try that." -- How?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mexico: Corrupt at Every Level

The Mexican press advance man was caught on camera pocketing several White House BlackBerries during a recent meeting in New Orleans -- and has since been fired for not sharing the bootey with the Mexican Delegation. Rafael Quintero Curiel, who served as Mexico's lead press advance man for the Mexican Delegation meeting President Bush in New Orleans this week was asked to tender his resignation once he arrived back in Mexico City. Before entering the meeting room, everyone was required to leave his cell phone, BlackBerry and other such devices on a table, a common practice when high-level meetings are held. When the meeting was over, American officials discovered their BlackBerries were missing. Secret Service officials reviewed videotape and found footage showing Quintero Curiel absconding with the BlackBerries. The theif made it all the way to the airport before Secret Service officers caught up with him. He initially denied taking the devices, but after agents showed him the DVD, Quintero Curiel said it was purely accidental, gave them back, claimed diplomatic immunity and promptly left.

BBB Webmaster Injured in Ghost Riding Accident

As you know, BBB's Webmaster is a Master Ghostrider of the Whip. See link as proof:
On April 23, 2008, at approximately 7:23 p.m., following his daughter's harrowing 3 to 2 softball victory, Bill's Blunderful Blog Webmaster celebrated by Ghost Riding the Whip with his 1999 Dodge Inrepid. He soon lost control and caused a major accident resulting in several injuries. As a result, he will not be in the office for several days.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LA Times Questions McCain's Fitness to Serve

The knee-cappers at the Liberal Ass Times have done it again. Now that the Democratic Party is going to nominate a socialist candidate (whether its Obama or Hillary), they are gunning for their former favorite Republican. The supposed reason? Because he receives a "disability pension" of about $54,000 from the Navy. You see, back when Hillary was having her girls-only "kissing parties" at Wellesley College (see photos below as proof)

and while Barack was learning jihad at the madrassa he attended when living in Jakarta, (see photo below as proof)

Sen. John McCain was being tortured by the communists in Viet Nam for refusing to give Hanoi Jane the coordinates she needed to shoot down American pilots. (see photo below as proof)

Sen. McCain "was retired as disabled because of his limited body movements due to injuries as a POW," and was technically disabled. "Tortured for his country -- that is how he acquired his disability," a campaign staffer said. Sen. McCain spent 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in Hanoi. After he was released in 1973, he returned home on crutches and began a painful physical rehabilitation. He later regained flight status and commanded a Navy squadron before retiring from the service in 1981. (see photos below as proof)

The LA Times even found someone, who I believe is probably a 4-eyed nerd TAX LAWYER with bony girl arms, to give a quote supporting its spin: "It is a legitimate question to ask about the commander in chief: Is he fit to serve," said Robert Schriebman, a senior Pentagon tax advisor and tax attorney who recently retired as a judge advocate for a unit of the California National Guard. (see photo below as proof)

What are his qualifications to give this quote, and why did the LA Times even use him as a source? Do the losers at the LA Times think being a lawyer gives a source instant credibility? Pathetic.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Old Hags Kill For Money

Los Angeles (AP) -- Two old hags, Helen Golay, 77, and Olga Rutterschmidt, 75, made over $2.8 million by befriending homeless men, taking out life insurance, and then killing them in staged hit-and-run accidents. They were convicted of murder. The one question that was not answered by the jury was what do a couple of old hags need money for?

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I am pleased to announce the birth of my youngest son. This exclusive photo is only available on Bill's Blunderful Blog:

Funeral Home Commercial

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Arguing with Code Pink is like Competing in the Special Olympics -- Even if You Win, You're Still Mentally Handicapped

Carter and Hamas Make Peace Proposal

Disgraced former president Jimmy Carter emerged from his meeting with Hamas terrorist leader Khaled Meshal and his deputy, Moussa Abu Marzouk, on Friday and announced a bold new 3-point Middle East peace plan. The plan calls on Israel to admit its role in the 9/11 attacks, to lift the blockade imposed on the Gaza strip, and to make restitution payments to the families of dozens of martyr-bombers who lost their lives in the war against Zionism since 1998. In return, Hamas would agree to grant visitation rights to kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who has been in Hamas custody since June 2006.

"Political isolation by the American administration has begun to crumble," Mohammed Nazzal, a top figure in Hamas' political bureau, gleefully told Bill's Blunderful Blog after Friday's meeting in Damascus. The U.S. government has had no contact with Hamas since designating it a terrorist organization in 1995.

"I am proud of this achievement," Carter announced. "I only hope the Zionists in Israel will be as reasonable as Hamas." A gushing United States press corps agreed.

Blast from the Past

Bill Maher - As Ugly on the Inside as he is on the Outside

Anti-Christian bigot Bill Maher demonstrated his Hollywood edginess this past week and went out on a limb among his peers by mocking Christianity, and Catholicism in particular. Among the drivel he spewed was that the Pope is a Nazi, the Catholic church is a cult, and the Pope is the CEO of a pedophilia organization.

He pretended to apologize last night by stating that Pope was forced to join the Nazis when he was only 14, so it was not fair to keep calling him a Nazi. I guess that passes as an apology under the "If I said anything that you misconstrued and were mistakenly offended by, then I am sorry you misinterpreted my words" apology mantra of the day.

Friday, April 18, 2008


The following is a summary of what Kathleen Parker wrote in today:

Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the U.S. has afforded the American media and others an opportunity to remind us that the Catholic Church is "out of step" with modern times. The central life issue is, of course, abortion, about which even a majority of American Catholics (58 percent) differ from the church's view. The Catholic Church persists in opposing abortion, insisting that life begins at conception, all life has value, no human being has the right to terminate the life of another. Case closed.

Pro-choice arguments are, nonetheless, compelling. Privacy from government intrusion, yes. Women's autonomy over their own bodies, yes. All children wanted, well, of course. But none of those testaments to logic alters the essential truth that life begins when egg and sperm commingle and that every one of us was at that far end of the life continuum before we were able to dabble in ethics and trifle with electronic keyboards.

The question is how we reconcile what is true with what is merely convenient?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Batman Explains Why Obama Should be President

Bridget Bardot on Trial for Criticizing Muslims

The French, who are well known for their displays of cowardice, such as turning over Jews to the Nazis during WWII and them promptly surrendering to the Nazis themselves (see photograph below as proof)

have once against caved to the Nazis of this day: The Islamo-Nazis. They are prosecuting a former hot chick named Bridget Bardot (see photograph below as proof)
because she wrote a letter to a French government official that complained about the growing Muslim extremist influence in France. She is now on trial for "hate crimes" because of the letter and may be fined over $200,000.

Way to go, Frechie!

Carter Lays Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Terrorist

Obama Unable to Answer Real Questions

At last night's ABC News "debate" Barack Obama was given a rare going-over with questions about his racist mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his long time friend and terrorist William Ayers, his refusal to wear a flag pin, his mockery of "bitter" people who believe in God and his belief that all guns should be banned notwithstanding the Second Amendment. His inability to offer a convincing response that made him seem like anything other than a racist, left wing, anti-Christian bigot means one thing: PRESIDENT McCAIN.

Michelle Obama Wants Your Piece of the Pie

As reported by the American Spectator, "Michelle Obama believes she is her husband's best advocate, but some of Sen. Barack Obama's inner circle believe they will have to 'repackage and redirect' Mrs. Obama for the general election.

According to one Obama donor, who has voiced her concerns about the angry radical Michelle Obama, "You look you at what she says about America and some of the policies she thinks Obama would implement and you just cringe."

The latest example was Mrs. Obama's appearance in Harrisburg, Pa., where she told a group of mothers: "In order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."

The comment reminded some of the infamous remarks Hillary Clinton delivered back in 2004 at a private San Francisco fundraiser for Sen. Barbara Boxer, where she warned the gathered wealthy, "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

Barbara Boxer is a Lunatic Psycho Leftie

A symbolic (and thus worthless) U.S. Senate resolution welcoming Pope Benedict XVI to the United States was held up by Psycho-Liberal Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., an outspoken anti-Christian and pro-abortion advocate.

The reason? The resolution contained the following language: "Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life." She also objected to language that said the United States has a "commitment to religious liberty that neither attempts to strip our public spaces of religious expression nor denies the ultimate source of our rights and liberties."

I guess she never read the First Amendment, which says just that. Yet, somehow, her edition of the U.S. Constitution has a "right to abortion" clause.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Barack Obama Doesn't Want Grandchildren

"Look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.

-- Barack Obama.

Most people would substitute the word "punished" with "blessed." But he would rather have his daughters undergo the following procedure if pregnant:

Hillary Cackles When Asked Tough Question

Obama: Religion is the Opium of the Poor

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Obama the Socialist Liar

Obama is not the man they hoped he would be -- He is a cynical, crass, lying politician just like Hillary. Check it out yourself:

Wanna see what he allows at his campaign headquarters (2 different offices)?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Carter: Worst (former) President EVER

Where can we begin? The list of Jimmy Carter's failures and betrayals of America could go on and on and on . . . .

1. Carter fomented radical Islamo-fascism in the middle east when he pressured the Shah to step down and leave Iran to the radical Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khomeini.

2. He did nothing but display cowardice to the world when Iran held American citizens hostage for 444 days.

3. Carter did nothing during the worst fuel crisis in history.

4. He gave away the Panama Canal built by America under Theodore Roosevelt.

5. Inflation grew exponentially during his reign and he did nothing.

6. He boycotted the Olympics because the Soviets tried to stop the spread of Islamo-fascism by invading Afghanistan.

7. He neutered the military during his presidency.

6. Friend of all dictators, Carter invited Robert Mugabe to the White House in 1980 and fully supported this dictator's rise to power in Rhodesia.

7. He used the full power of the office of the presidency to undermine and set the stage for the overthrow of the duly elected Anastasio Somosa in Nicaragua, to be replaced by the Marxist Sandanista Daniel Ortega.

8. He was instrumental in the rise to power of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, who was saved from recall by the voters in Venezuela in 2004 with Carter "monitoring" the election -- even though exit polls conducted by an independent New York polling firm found Chavez had been defeated.

9. In 1994, without governmental authority, Jimmy Carter went to North Korea and brokered a deal with Kim Jung Il that ultimately gave North Korea nuclear weapons.

10. He is now planning a trip to visit the leader of the terrorist group Hamas.

A word to Barak Obama: If you happen to get elected, don't make the mistake of Jimmy Carter and confuse "negotiation" with policy. Negotiation is a tool to achieve policy, it is not an end unto itself.

A Slap in the Face

After airing only ONE episode, CBS is cancelling the new program, "Secret Talents of the Stars." This was going to be a great series, based on its first episode which featured Star Trek's Mr. Sulu aka George Takei singing country music. This is a slap in the face to all Americans.

Self-Parody of a CEO

This man is the CEO of an oil company. But you already knew that from looking at him.

Scientology and Man-Made Global Warming

Scientology and Man-Made Global Warming are religions only the very wealthy can afford to join.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hillary Clinton, Congenital Liar -- Caught Again!

As noted earlier in this Blog (, Hillary Clinton can't stop lying, and can't stop getting caught lying. Now she's been caught again. Hillary stopped telling a fake story of a pregnant woman’s medical tragedy after a hospital challenged its accuracy last weekend. For about a month, Hillary has been telling audiences a sad story of a young woman who was supposedly turned away by a local hospital because she had no health insurance and could not pay the $100 charge asked for by the hospital. During her campaign yarn, Mrs. Bill Clinton announces the woman and her baby (or is it a fetus?) died. Of course, her audience gasps and cries at these campaign stops upon hearing this tale.
It's a story straight from the Lifetime network. But last week (April 3rd) the Washington Post named the woman (Trina Bachtel, aged 35) who died last August. With the patient’s name publicized, administrators at O’Bleness Memorial Hospital, where Bachtel was allegedly turned away, declare the pregnant woman was never refused treatment, and she even had medical insurance! As reported in the New York Times, hospital official Rick Castrop stated, “We implore the Clinton campaign to immediately desist from repeating this story.” Caught in yet another lie, Clinton’s campaign said she would drop it from future speeches. Hillary campaign spokesman/woman/person Mo Elleithee said, “In this case, we tried but weren’t able to fully vet the story.” How long before Hillary jokes about getting caught in yet another lie on the Tonight Show, as she did with her bogus sniper-fire claim?

Get Your Stinking Paws Off Me, You Damn Dirty Ape

Charlton Heston (1923-2008)

Star or Ben Hur, The Ten Commandments, Omega Man, Planet of the Apes, Earthquake, and president of the NRA.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Google "Feminist Workshop" -- The First 5 Images

It's all about empowerment.

Absolut Vodka Shows True Reconquista Colors

Naked Man Ghost Rides the Whip

READING, Pa. (AP) — A Reading man whose minivan crashed after he climbed on its roof while driving about 55 miles per hour is in fair condition this weekend. Police in West Reading say the 38-year-old man later stripped naked and led them on a chase along the highway. He remains in a Reading hospital recovering from what witnesses call a deep gash in his side. Police say they used Taser jolts and pepper spray during the chase Friday but only subdued the man when they tackled him.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Daniel Award

Showing the same courage as the prophet Daniel of the Old Testament, a local political activist, Earl Ofari Hutchinson and Los Angeles City Councilman Tony Cardenas took a similarly courageous -- and politically risky -- position on the anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Last Tuesday (April 1), they announced a proposed "Moratorium Against Murder." In honor of one of the 20th Century's greatest men, they wanted the City Council to declare it illegal to murder anyone in the City of Los Angeles for 40 hours. I wish all our politicians would show this kind of gumption. Sadly, the City Council rejected the idea as "silly" and the following signing ceremony never happened:

Murder -- They're Against It!

The Lunatic Left Gets its Priorities Straight

Kudos to Harris Park Principal Christopher Benisch, who earlier this week suspended 8-year old Eathen Harris for 3 days because he sniffed his shirt during school hours. Evidently, his shirt had been stained by a magic marker, and the third grader smelled the stain (remember ditto paper?). Enforcing a "zero tolerance" policy, school administrators accused the child of trying to "get high." Principal Benisch proudly stands by his decision, as he believes the markers pose a serious safety issue. "We really want to send a clear message to that student and the other students. . . . This is a real true danger.” Thank Darwin we have such concerned school administrators. They know what should and should not be allowed in the public schools.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Obama's Liberal Policies

1. Favors a woman’s choice to have partial birth abortion.

2. Against notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.

3. Supports affirmative action in college admissions and government hiring.

4. Opposes harsh penalties for drug dealing.

5. His religious convictions are very murky.

6. Wants to meet Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

7. Opposed the Patriot Act.

8. Supports lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

9. Supports universal taxpayer supported health care.

10. Voted to grant habeas corpus rights for Guantanamo terrorist detainees.

11. Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

12. Supports extending welfare to illegal aliens.

13. Opposes making English the official language of the USA.

14. Voted yes on amnesty for illegal aliens.

15. Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to receive Social Security.

16. Wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'.

17. Against expressions of religion in the public sector.

18. Opposes privatizing Social Security, believes higher taxes is the solution.

19. He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax.

20. He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax.

21. He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax.

22. Claims the surge in Iraq has not succeeded.
23. Promises to dismantle SDI (missile defense) if elected.
24. Promises to cut-and-run from Iraq in 90 days if elected.

25. His wife's college thesis supported Black separatism, and tried to prevent its release.

26. He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate.

But wait. Here is more:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Don't Wear Team Garb When Eating Out

In Port Orchard, Washington, the Kitsap County Sheriff's office arrested a 24-year old Seattle Seahawks fan and fast food fry cook (I believe it was the McDonald's on Mile Hill Drive) for hocking a loogie in the hamburger of a 37-year old father because he was wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey. After lifting the top bun of the burger he saw a gross concoction of mucus, blood and spit in a wiggling globule on top of his pickles. The food-adulterator was arrested at his apartment later that day. When police arrived at his apartment, they smelled marijuana and added drug charges to his rap sheet, which now also includes fourth-degree assault.