Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chris Matthews Insults Gov. Palin

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

--C.S. Lewis, Christian Scholar

We the People Stimulus Package

Monday, March 30, 2009

No Lunch Menu Provokes Shooting

In a Salt Lake City a woman driver of a white Dodge Intrepid pulled up to the drive-thru of a McDonald's and ordered from the lunch menu last Sunday. When she was told only breakfast was available, two male passengers got out of the car and drew a sawed-off shotgun from the trunk. Two shots were fired into the drive-thru window and drove away. The suspects were described as Samoan.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Teleprompter of the United States

OBAMA Remorse


Recall Anthony Adams - DONATE NOW

Take a good look at this asshole. What comes to mind?

He needs to buy a treadmill and go on a low calorie diet? True.

He needs to study harder if he's ever going to pass the Bar Exam, which he has flunked? Yes, also true.

He's ugly, unhealthy looking and his hair is stringy? Correct again.

But more than that, Anthony Adams is a man with no principles and no balls to do what he knows is right, who sold out the people who elected him so he could hob-nob with our celebrity socialist governor and get appointed to a taxpayer funded state board that will pay him 6 figures after he is recalled by the people.

His spokes-holes who answer his phones can hang up on people all they want, but acting like an ostridge sticking his head in the sand won't make the fact of his betrayal go away.


Click to this link and donate anything you can . . . $10, $20, $50, $100!

Vote No on Everything on May 19!

A group of tax-borrow-and-overspend left wing politicians of the European socialist model, including Gov. Benedict Arnold, calling themselves "Budget Reform Now," have sent out an e-mail blast pretending that "fiscal conservatives rally in support of Prop 1A." What a bunch of BULLSHIT.

Vote NO on Props 1A-1B-1C-1D-1E & 1F on May 19! These are all disguised a "fiscally conservative" ballot measures but in reality they are tax extensions and payouts to unions as part of the Betrayal 2009 when sell-outs like Assemblyman Anthony Adams broke their no-tax pledge and took away the child tax credit, and raised the state income tax, sales tax, car tax, and probably a bunch of other taxes.

Anthony Adams will be recalled, which is good. But unfortunately, part of the deal he cut likely involved being promised a position on one of the fraudulent "State Boards" that slimy politicians get appointed to when they get termed out -- if they played ball.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Recall Anthony Adams!!!

Anthony Adams, Big Fat Liar
California State Assemblyman Anthony Adams gave us all his solemn word he would not vote to raise taxes. He broke his promise on February 19, 2009, when he cast one of three Republican votes in the Assembly necessary to pass a budget that will increase taxes on Californians. During economically challenging times, tax increases will put a further burden on the private sector, drive more businesses out of state, and prolong the economic downturn. For that reason, Atlas PAC is raising funds to recall Assemblyman Adams.

Assemblyman Anthony Adams signed the following pledge:

I, Anthony Adams, pledge to the taxpayers of the 59th Assembly district of the State of California and to all the people of this state, that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.

Assemblyman Adams unapologetically broke that pledge when he voted to approve a state budget that raises California’s sales tax rate by 1%, raises California’s income tax rate .25% and nearly doubles the car registration tax. California already had the highest base sales and income tax rates in the country. These increases extend California’s lead as the highest taxed state in the nation. Assemblyman Adams, along with Assemblymen Mike Villines (R – Fresno) and Roger Niello (R – Fair Oaks), provided the three Republican votes allowing the Democrat majority to pass their budget and raise our taxes.

The budget Assemblyman Adams voted for raises California’s tax rate from 9.3% to 9.55% for incomes over $44,815. California imposes an additional 1% tax on incomes over $1,000,000. In comparison, the next highest state income tax burden is Vermont’s, whose highest tax bracket is 9.5%, but only starting at incomes over $357,700. Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming have no state income tax while New Hampshire and Tennessee limit their state income tax to interest and dividends only.

In attempting to justify violating his pledge, Assemblyman Adams told talk radio hosts John & Ken:

“I dare with the full knowledge that this will probably be the end of a political career for me . . . but the fact of the matter is California is in a place where they need people who are willing to sacrifice their own personal agenda for what's right.”

Assemblyman Adams insults his constituents by claiming that opposition to tax increases is a mere “personal agenda” for the other Republican Assemblymen who kept their pledge not to raise taxes. As Atlas PAC Chairman, Lee Lowrey said to John & Ken, “Republicans can disagree on abortion. Republicans can even disagree on gay marriage. But if we can't agree on taxes, there's not a lot left for our party.”

Join Atlas PAC in our efforts to recall Assemblyman Adams. Together, we can hold our representatives accountable to their promises.

Man Arrested for Humping Vacuum in Public

Jason Leroy Savage, 29 years old, was caught by police on October 16, 2008, having sex with a carwash vacuum, and was sentenced to 90 days in jail for the offense. The Thomas Township, Michigan mas was sentenced at the Saginaw County Circuit Court after pleading no contest to raping an inanimate object.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lazy Lard Ass Family Update!!

One of the daughter's tried out for Britian's "X-Factor" show, hosted by Simon Cowell and Sharon Osborne. She was rejected. How does putting on a dress make her look better? It's like spray painting gold dust on a turd.

The family members, who claim they are "too busy to work, or go on a diet," watch TV as soon as they wake up in the morning. Don't laugh, America. This is already happening to us! Just look at California.

Smelly Farts Yields Suspension

(Photo by Ernst Peters)

Jonathan Locke, Jr., a 15-year old eighth-grader at the Bill Duncan Excel Center in South Lakeland, FLorida, was suspended from riding the school bus for three days for habitual farting. According to the bus driver's written complaint, "Jonathan passes gas on the bus to make the other children laugh and it is so stinky that you can't breathe after he does it."

The youth claims it was not him, but the boy who sits to his front.
According to Jerome Corbett, senior director of specialized services for the Polk County School District, said there is no specific rule that prohibits students from farting on the bus. However, "If the flatulence becomes excessive, the bus driver has the responsibility to report it to the school administrator."

According to reports from The Ledger newspaper, "Trouble for Locke started Monday afternoon after school when a student sitting next to him started making noises with his mouth. Then, students smelled a pungent aroma. "I started laughing," Locke said. "It was a bad smell."

On Tuesday when Locke walked onto the bus, the bus driver handed him the suspension form. The bus driver ordered Locke off the bus. Locke exited the bus, then called his father for a ride home.

The last-minute notification that his son had been suspended for three days irked Locke's father, also named Jonathan. "I had no notice about anything," Locke said. "It's costing me time. . . . You're not going to stop a kid from laughing if it's (about) passing gas."\

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lazy Lard-Ass Family "Deserves More"

A British family of four, who receives more than $30,000 a year in benefits because they are “too fat to work,” says they deserve more money, London’s Daily Telegraph reported. The Chawners, who live in Blackburn, England, have a combined weight of 1,160 pounds.

“What we get barely covers the bills and puts food on the table,” Philip Chawner, 53, told the newspaper. “It’s not our fault we can’t work. We deserve more.”

Philip and his wife Audrey, 57, weigh 336 pounds each. Daughters Emma, 19, and Samantha, 21, weigh in at 236 pounds and 252 pounds, respectively.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lurch and J-Boy Enjoy Breakfast Burritos

This morning, J-Boy enjoyed a BREAKFAST BURRITO at Nick's in Long Beach (on Main). But he was not alone. Accompanying him for a FREE breakfast burrito was Lurch.

"I enjoyed the burrito."

(Actual photo and quote of Lurch)

OctoMom Seen Shopping

Sen. Charles Grassley, Hypocrite

After accepting $26,250 in bribes ("campaign contributions") from AIG in 2008, GOP Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested on Monday that AIG executives should take a Japanese approach toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves.

“I suggest, you know, obviously, maybe they ought to be removed,” Grassley said. “But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they’d follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I’m sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide.
“And in the case of the Japanese, they usually commit suicide before they make any apology.”

Monday, March 16, 2009

Arnold Flexes While California Burns

California increased the number of union-thug, on-the-public-dole-forever, pension-receving-forever state employees during this crisis!

Ron SIlver, Hollywood Voice of Reason, Dead at 62

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hulk Hogan Fights Divorce Lawyer

My Favorite Gravemarker

Attempted Lesbian Rape Results in Slap on Wrist

(actual photo, taken from myspace account)

On March 10, Stephanie Lighten, a Massachusetts lesbian, was arrested after she came home drunk and attempted to forcefully impregnate her lover, Jennifer, with a syringe full of her own brother's semen. Jennifer fought back, and a cat fight ensued. Jennifer got in her car a took off, with the rapist chasing after her. Cops have charged the rapist with battery and was released after promising to try not to do it again.

Here is her police booking photo:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lurch!

Congratulations on reaching your 48th Birthday. Unfortunately, you do not share your birthday with anyone famous other than the late Tammy Faye Baker.

Reagan Responds to Obama

Obama Owns this Economy

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dentist to Lurch: BRUSH YOUR TEETH


Lurch had been suffering a painful toothache for a long time.

"I Hurt . . . "

Lurch went to the dentist and was told he may need a root canal.

Lurch went to the specialist who looked at his teeth and was shocked at what he saw.

Diagnosis: No need for root canal. Just brush your teeth occasionally!

Lurch was given a demonstration by the dentist as to the proper way to brush his teeth.

What made it worse was there was a hot dental assistant watching this happen.

He was given a balloon afterwards, which made him feel better.

Please Help This Man!

This morning, I received the following e-mail:

Dear Attorney:

I am seeking attorney representation in the matter mentioned below. My wife was raped by Federal Agents. I provide a copy of this letter submitted to Congress/Senate formally requesting the appointment of an Independent Special Prosecutor.


Dear Congressman/Senator:

As most of the Legislative Branch members already know, the Oakland Chief United States Attorney, DOUG SPRAGUE has been under investigation for rape crimes since 2006. Further, we all already know that the folks who reside at 7515 Oxford Circle in Dublin, California are prejudice and smoked/terrorized their African-American neighbor next-door. I am still patiently waiting for Justice into my wife’s rape incident [Leonor Raso from Dublin, CA] – my wife was raped by Federal Agents. I asked for restraining orders over 2 years ago.

There are LACERATIONS in the ASSES of innocent women and I have to “KISS ASS” in order to get an Independent Special Prosecutor appointed? Why were innocent women under duress by way of Direct Energy Weapons? Can we put a stop to this kind of abuse? Do I need a lobbyist? It should be noted that the former Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, is also involved in this scandal.

Bert Agrela
Direct 510-575-6267

UPDATE: The Department of Justice has yet to submit a monetary settlement to my former wife and self.

cc: National/International News Media

SpamController has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.paypal.com" claiming to be www.WHISTLEBLOWERBURT.COM

Monday, March 2, 2009


Today, Lurch was asked by J-Boy's secretary where J-Boy was, because Mr. Potter was looking for him.

"Where is J-Boy!"
(actual quote)

Fortunatly, J-Boy had a true friend in Lurch. Instead of simply stating, "I don't know," or "He's not coming in," or "He's at home today," Lurch decided to say: "Tell Mr. Potter the J-Boy took a VACATION DAY rather than be around to help."

So, now J-Boy is in trouble. The image of J-Boy lounging on the beach with a Mai Tai has been seared forever in the mind of Mr. Potter, who now hates J-Boy beyond all measure.

Way to go, Lurch. You are a true friend.