Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Fast Food Restaurant Stacks Buns Next to Toilets
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Latarian Milton, 7 Year Old Car Thief
A remorseless 7 year old car thief named Latarian Milton gave the following interview after stealing his grandmother's Dodge Durango and crashing into several cars along a 6 mile stretch of traffic.
Reporter: Why did you take the car?
Latarian: Cause I wanted to do it. My friend was in the car with me.
Reporter: Where did you take it, Latarian?
Latarian: I took it on a high speed chase!
Reporter: How did you know how to drive?
Latarian: Because, I seen my Grandma do it. All the people do it.
Reporter: What do you think about the people whose cars you hit?
Latarian: I don't think nothin' bout them.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Hitler Action figure a HIT in Anti-Semetic Ukraine
Cop Arrested for Raping Cow
Moorestown, New Jersey police officer Robert Melia, Jr., 38, was charged last week for having non-consensual sexual intercourse with cows. These charges were levied on the heels of previous charges of sexually assaulting 3 girls. The animal cruelty charges, which are felonies, are punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $15,000 fine. The cruelty charges involve sex acts with cows between June and December 2006 at an undisclosed location in Southampton. The girls were assaulted at his home between 2003 and 2006. QUESTION: For anyone who has been to a county fair and seen the cows artificially inseminated -- How to you look at a cow and think, "I think I'll try that." -- How?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Mexico: Corrupt at Every Level
BBB Webmaster Injured in Ghost Riding Accident
On April 23, 2008, at approximately 7:23 p.m., following his daughter's harrowing 3 to 2 softball victory, Bill's Blunderful Blog Webmaster celebrated by Ghost Riding the Whip with his 1999 Dodge Inrepid. He soon lost control and caused a major accident resulting in several injuries. As a result, he will not be in the office for several days.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
LA Times Questions McCain's Fitness to Serve
Sen. John McCain was being tortured by the communists in Viet Nam for refusing to give Hanoi Jane the coordinates she needed to shoot down American pilots. (see photo below as proof)
The LA Times even found someone, who I believe is probably a 4-eyed nerd TAX LAWYER with bony girl arms, to give a quote supporting its spin: "It is a legitimate question to ask about the commander in chief: Is he fit to serve," said Robert Schriebman, a senior Pentagon tax advisor and tax attorney who recently retired as a judge advocate for a unit of the California National Guard. (see photo below as proof)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Old Hags Kill For Money
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Carter and Hamas Make Peace Proposal
"Political isolation by the American administration has begun to crumble," Mohammed Nazzal, a top figure in Hamas' political bureau, gleefully told Bill's Blunderful Blog after Friday's meeting in Damascus. The U.S. government has had no contact with Hamas since designating it a terrorist organization in 1995.
"I am proud of this achievement," Carter announced. "I only hope the Zionists in Israel will be as reasonable as Hamas." A gushing United States press corps agreed.
Bill Maher - As Ugly on the Inside as he is on the Outside
He pretended to apologize last night by stating that Pope was forced to join the Nazis when he was only 14, so it was not fair to keep calling him a Nazi. I guess that passes as an apology under the "If I said anything that you misconstrued and were mistakenly offended by, then I am sorry you misinterpreted my words" apology mantra of the day.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The following is a summary of what Kathleen Parker wrote in today:
Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the U.S. has afforded the American media and others an opportunity to remind us that the Catholic Church is "out of step" with modern times. The central life issue is, of course, abortion, about which even a majority of American Catholics (58 percent) differ from the church's view. The Catholic Church persists in opposing abortion, insisting that life begins at conception, all life has value, no human being has the right to terminate the life of another. Case closed.
Pro-choice arguments are, nonetheless, compelling. Privacy from government intrusion, yes. Women's autonomy over their own bodies, yes. All children wanted, well, of course. But none of those testaments to logic alters the essential truth that life begins when egg and sperm commingle and that every one of us was at that far end of the life continuum before we were able to dabble in ethics and trifle with electronic keyboards.
The question is how we reconcile what is true with what is merely convenient?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bridget Bardot on Trial for Criticizing Muslims
have once against caved to the Nazis of this day: The Islamo-Nazis. They are prosecuting a former hot chick named Bridget Bardot (see photograph below as proof)
because she wrote a letter to a French government official that complained about the growing Muslim extremist influence in France. She is now on trial for "hate crimes" because of the letter and may be fined over $200,000.
Way to go, Frechie!
Obama Unable to Answer Real Questions
Michelle Obama Wants Your Piece of the Pie
According to one Obama donor, who has voiced her concerns about the angry radical Michelle Obama, "You look you at what she says about America and some of the policies she thinks Obama would implement and you just cringe."
The latest example was Mrs. Obama's appearance in Harrisburg, Pa., where she told a group of mothers: "In order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."
The comment reminded some of the infamous remarks Hillary Clinton delivered back in 2004 at a private San Francisco fundraiser for Sen. Barbara Boxer, where she warned the gathered wealthy, "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
Barbara Boxer is a Lunatic Psycho Leftie
The reason? The resolution contained the following language: "Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life." She also objected to language that said the United States has a "commitment to religious liberty that neither attempts to strip our public spaces of religious expression nor denies the ultimate source of our rights and liberties."
I guess she never read the First Amendment, which says just that. Yet, somehow, her edition of the U.S. Constitution has a "right to abortion" clause.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Barack Obama Doesn't Want Grandchildren
-- Barack Obama.
Most people would substitute the word "punished" with "blessed." But he would rather have his daughters undergo the following procedure if pregnant:
Hillary Cackles When Asked Tough Question
Obama: Religion is the Opium of the Poor
Obama the Socialist Liar
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Carter: Worst (former) President EVER
Where can we begin? The list of Jimmy Carter's failures and betrayals of America could go on and on and on . . . .
1. Carter fomented radical Islamo-fascism in the middle east when he pressured the Shah to step down and leave Iran to the radical Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khomeini.
2. He did nothing but display cowardice to the world when Iran held American citizens hostage for 444 days.
3. Carter did nothing during the worst fuel crisis in history.
4. He gave away the Panama Canal built by America under Theodore Roosevelt.
5. Inflation grew exponentially during his reign and he did nothing.
6. He boycotted the Olympics because the Soviets tried to stop the spread of Islamo-fascism by invading Afghanistan.
7. He neutered the military during his presidency.
6. Friend of all dictators, Carter invited Robert Mugabe to the White House in 1980 and fully supported this dictator's rise to power in Rhodesia.
7. He used the full power of the office of the presidency to undermine and set the stage for the overthrow of the duly elected Anastasio Somosa in Nicaragua, to be replaced by the Marxist Sandanista Daniel Ortega.
8. He was instrumental in the rise to power of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, who was saved from recall by the voters in Venezuela in 2004 with Carter "monitoring" the election -- even though exit polls conducted by an independent New York polling firm found Chavez had been defeated.
9. In 1994, without governmental authority, Jimmy Carter went to North Korea and brokered a deal with Kim Jung Il that ultimately gave North Korea nuclear weapons.
10. He is now planning a trip to visit the leader of the terrorist group Hamas.
A word to Barak Obama: If you happen to get elected, don't make the mistake of Jimmy Carter and confuse "negotiation" with policy. Negotiation is a tool to achieve policy, it is not an end unto itself.
A Slap in the Face
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Hillary Clinton, Congenital Liar -- Caught Again!
Get Your Stinking Paws Off Me, You Damn Dirty Ape
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Naked Man Ghost Rides the Whip
Friday, April 4, 2008
Daniel Award
Murder -- They're Against It!
The Lunatic Left Gets its Priorities Straight
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Obama's Liberal Policies
5. His religious convictions are very murky.
8. Supports lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
But wait. Here is more: