Monday, February 4, 2008

My Perspective

Here are just a few of the reasons I believe 9/11 was an inside job, primarily masterminded by Dick Cheney with the complicity of George W. Bush. I have ordered them with most important first. This is just a summary. Also, you should be aware that Halliburton, George Bush, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz have destroyed most of the evidence that supports these FACTS:

1. No steel frame buildings had ever before in history collapsed either from fires or planes hitting them. They are designed to withstand those hazards. On 9/11 three of them fell, and fell perfectly straight down. That perfection does not happen by accident. Seismic evidence shows the two main world trade towers were taken down by demolition.

2. Bush claims a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon then vaporized, and that is why there was no wreckage, but that is utterly impossible. Give me a break! How gullible do you think I am, Mr. Bush?

3. The hole in the side of the Pentagon is far too small for Boeing 757 flight 77 to pass through. The wingspan is 124 feet with a fuselage diameter of 13 feet. It is 44 feet from ground to the top of the tail. There was almost no debris, no bodies, no blood, no body parts, no baggage, no wreckage typical of a 757 plane crash, and of course no sheared off wings.

4. There were no Arabs aboard flight 77 as claimed by Bush. Without Arabs, you have no hijackers. Without a highjack, why would the three American pilots all suicide unless Bush had threatened their families? The key to Bush’s conspiracy theory, the Arab highjacking, is a total fabrication. His whole lie comes unraveled just from the passenger and autopsy lists alone.

5. Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole’s advisor and lead attorney in the 9/11 victims case says he has both documentary evidence and sworn testimony that Cheney and Bush ordered the 9/11 attack.

6. All of Bush’s cabinet met with Mahmoud, the bankroller of 9/11, in the week prior to 9/11. Put options (short selling) for American Airlines and United Airlines were massively above normal just prior to 9/11. Investors made a killing off foreknowledge of 9/11.

7. Rudy Guiliani gave a series of extremely polished speeches on 9/11. How did he find time to rehearse? You'd almost think he had spent the previous month getting ready for his big day in the limelight.

8. The alleged hijackers on their eve of a supposed religiously-motivated suicide attack went to a strip bar, drank alcohol and ate pork, all in public. That is not plausible behavior for religious fanatics about to face judgement day.

9. FBI agents quickly confiscated video tape from a gas station security camera aimed directly at the exact point of impact while recording the size of the plane and/or missile, security camera video film from a nearby Sheraton hotel, film from a Virginia Transportation Department freeway overpass camera. They have never released these tapes, nor any of the on-grounds security camera tapes. What’s the big secret?

10. Cheney and Ashcroft claim they drafted the 600-page Patriot Act in less than a week. It is a very complicated document. They must have had it ready before hand waiting for the right moment to spring it. This behavior implies Cheney and Ashcroft knew 9/11 was coming.

11. In 1976 the US Army prepared a plan to take down the two World Trade Towers using commercial airliners, using plastic box cutters to get through security, as part of its "antiterrorism" activities. In 1976, Rumsfeld was Secretary of State, Bush 41 was CIA Director, Nelson Rockfeller was Vice President, Ford was president, Cheney was chief of staff, almost the same crew as was in charge for 9/11.

1 comment:

  1. Plus, there are TONS of pictures of them all together shaking hands on Wikipedia! That seals it for me. Thanks for exposing this.
