Friday, March 28, 2008

The Man-Made Global Warming Hoax

This man-made global warming hoax is about two things: (1) Empowering government to run more of the private sector, and (2) Turning carbon dioxide into gold as in 'carbon credits.' Invoking September 11 has officially been succeeded by global warming as the new excuse for the government to unleash a fresh tyranny no matter how offensive and damaging to individual liberty it may be. Global warming has replaced 9/11 as the justification to do anything!
Hypocrite Al Gore says his lifestyle, one that includes electricity hogging mansions, private plane flights and a host of other CO2 producing activities, is actually "carbon neutral." How is this possible you ask? He purchases carbon credits, which are to ensure that CO2 emissions are being reduced elsewhere. What he doesn't tell you, however, is that he purchases those carbon credits from Generation Investment Management, a company that is actually owned and operated by Gore himself.
It will not be too long before there will be a great land grab in the Third World by the Eco-Hypocrites who, in exchange for debt-forgiveness will receive control over vast amounts of land (i.e., rain forests) purportedly to be set aside for carbon neutral activities. Then, once the global warming hoax is exposed as a fraud, the reformed Eco-Hypocrites can use the land for whatever purpose they desire -- and it won't be for carbon-neutral activities.
Finally, ask yourself this question: Why are almost all man-made global warming proponents members of the liberal left? Answer: Because the liberal left favor big government, and what better way to give the government more control? After all, they won't be proven frauds and hucksters for years and years, because according to their theory, they get 50 years to prove their case.

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