Thursday, July 31, 2008

Huell Howser Gay?

Over the years, many people have asked me whether Huell Howser is gay. Here is what I know: He is friendly and gracious. He speaks with a drawl. He appears to be a bachelor. He is enthusiastic about California and encourages people to visit places they would never have otherwise thought to go. The Wikepedia website once stated he was a member of the Log Cabin Republicans, but that reference has since been taken down. A few years ago, a man on a Huell Howser message board once wrote that he attended a dinner with Mr. Howser and that Mr. Howser looked at him with a "gay look." Another writer indicated he saw Mr. Howser at a regular bar somewhere in the Palm Springs area laughing very loud. I once met Mr. Howser at Philippes French Dipped Sandwiches in Los Angeles, and he did not tell me he was gay. He has never been reported to have marched in a Pride parade, or made any overt displays of his orientation. Whatever he is, or is not, he keeps it to himself.


  1. To me, Huell Howser is simply a great Californian who loves his State, and showcases that love brilliantly, and with the kind of passion that makes me wish I lived there again.

  2. I say he's gay! Just look at him and you can tell!

  3. I live in Palm Springs, California.
    The native population is 60% GAY and growing (I am straight).
    My friend's wife ABSOLUTELY saw Huell Howser walking in Palm Springs while HOLDING HANDS with a man.

  4. I'm an unabashed member of the so-called "Religous Right." I think homosexuality is morally wrong. BUT my hubby & I love Huell. His programs are interesting & he seems like a kind & sincere man. We even got an autographed photo of him 10 years ago! He doesn't push his sexuality in others' faces. He's a private man & I wish more celebrities--gay or straight--would follow his example.

  5. He identifies himself as "straight" on his MySpace account, and I will take him at his word.

  6. Who cares?
    The man is a loveable dork and not too bad on the eyes.

  7. As long as he is not "gay in your face", he is fine with me. I just can't take these "queens" who are in your face all the time. One's sexual orientation should not enter into programs and news reports.

  8. Mr Howser has contributed so much positive energy on his programs and off his programs. People can always use this wonderful positive attitude to feel up-lifted. His privite life is his own business.


    Costa Mesa, Calif. p. s. He has a wonderful sensitive way of viewing life.

  9. I am a single woman and I think Huell would be a really fun husband.

  10. Huell is a lot of fun, enthusiastic, a fantastic interviewer... and he deserves a private life.

  11. FACT: Huell Howser enjoys green salad
    FACT: HH is able to color coordinate his pants and shirts
    FACT: HH once drank a glass of Chardonnay
    FACT: HH has never seen a Terminator movie after Terminator I
    FACT: HH once attended a play of his own volition, in which he was not personally acquainted with or related to any of the actors.


  12. I have lived in California since 1953, and Huell Howser has shown me more interesting places than I have ever explored on my own. He has given me some great field trip ideas too!

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  14. Huell Howser put his nice, attactive BUTT on the line for the USA.

    He was a MARINE!

    How many others, straight or gay, can say that?

  15. He is the best and we are lucky to have him. Enjoy him and his work,his public service to us, and his service to his country as a Marine.
    Palm Springs,CA

  16. What Susan said on Nov, 26, 2008 hits the nail on the head.

  17. I think he also took massive steroids in the early 90s to look more manly for his shows. He must really have a complex to radically change his looks. He now looks like a fat crab!

    He needs to ditch the fruity silk shirts if he wants to look straight. That is a big giveaway.

    Wimpy Huell before the roids kicked in -
