Tuesday, September 30, 2008
How We Got into This Economic Crisis -- Obama and His Buddies
If you can tolerate the hillbilly music, it's an interesting video.
Obama Worship -- This is Sick . . . and Scary.
This secular worship service (with hymns sung to the Great Leader) comes straight out of the Totalitarian Handbook. Scenes like this were found in Stalin's Soviet Union, Castro's Cuba, Mao's China, and Kim Jon Il's North Korea.
This prior posting gave us a glimpse of what was to come:
For an Update: http://wrb-myblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/obama-kids-hitler-youth-video.html
Monday, September 29, 2008
Obama is a Fraud
This ass-wipe is eager to pretend he is as patriotic as McCain by proclaiming "me, too!" when it comes to wearing a fallen soldier's bracelet. But Since Obama really doesn't give two farts about our fallen soldiers he didn't bother to remember the name of the solder on his prop-bracelett and had to read it on live TV. The mother has demanded he remove it.
Remember when George H.W. Bush looked at his wristwatch during a town hall debate with Clinton? That was looped on the liberal news media outlets non-stop. Not a peep about this, though.
Chris Matthews Interviews Own Daughter, But Fails to Disclose this Fact
This Left Wing Nut Case who was fired from PMS-NBC interviews a "completely" non-partisan group (which I guess is supposed to give it credibility) about the bail-out. Problem is, Chris Matthews fails to disclose that he is interviewing his own daughter Caroline Matthews (the one who keeps yapping).
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Schmitty at the Movies

Saturday, September 27, 2008
BBB Blogmaster Leaves Mennonite Church

But after learning that the Mennonites, along with the Quakers and a bunch of lefties from the National Council of Churches, hosted a banquet honoring the Iranian Terrorist-in-Chief Mahmoud Ahmendinejad (who was one of the ring leaders of the Iranian Hostage Crisis during the Jimmy Carter years) I have to put my foot down. I always knew they were pacifists, but now I know they are worse -- they are passivists. They are passive to evil. They think being timid is the same as being virtuous. They are wrong. As Ronald Reagan said, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

By the way, President Bush is a pussy if he doesn't turn Iran to powder before January 21, 2009.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dodgers Game: RUINED

For the past month, I had been looking foward to attending the final regular season home game of the Los Angeles Dodgers. I had scored 4 tickets when some one in my office (J-Boy) was able to get them. So I invited J-Boy, Lurch, and Elmer Dills to attend the game. They were box seats by the dugout. The seats came with "all you can eat" rights at the 3rd Base Dugout Club.

No sooner than we got there, and loaded up on Dodgers Dogs, then I returned to the seats with my Iced-Cream sundae with SPRINKLES. As I walked down the steps, I looked over to the seats and Elmer Dilles and J-Boy started fidgeting around and distracting me, making me spill my Iced-Cream sundae all over the place, my pants, the floor, and some man's leg.
Next, J-Boy snatched a baseball from a little girl after Raphael Furcal threw the ball specifically for the little girl. Only after about a dozen adults complained about the "bully who stole the ball from the girl," did he return it. "I still get the glory for catching the ball," he muttered to himself.
Finally J-Boy and Elmer Dills made us leave at the top of the 9th Inning. After the game was over, players came into the stands WHERE WE WERE SITTING and "high fived" the remaining fans. Thus, we missed out of getting a "high five" because Elmer and J-Boy had a case of Mr. Sandman.
Lurch was the only good one. Except he was a wimp. There was a hot chick sitting next to him the whole game, and he didn't even try to talk to her.
(actual photo of the hot chick below)

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Would-Be Thief's Rectum is Impaled

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
J-Boy, Be Careful: Now it's Illegal to Fart!
Cops arrested Jose Cruz for DUI on Route 60 in South Charleston, West Virginia, on the evening of September 22, 2008. He was initially stopped for driving with his headlights off. While taking his fingerprints at the police station, police claim Mr. Cruz intentionally moved closer to the officer taking the prints and farted on him. Mr. Cruz was thus charged with battery on a police officer, as well as DUI. The criminal complaint noted that the odor was very strong.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Don't Bother with Religulous

Friday, September 19, 2008
My Prior Life

Scooter of Mt. Siani

Ever notice that whether he is describing a movie he just saw, a meeting he just attended, or expressing his analysis of a recent political event, Scooter acts like he is speaking to us from Mount Siani?

News Hound Award SCANDAL!!!

Sexist Obama Flips Off Hillary Clinton
Just like his "nuanced" reference to Gov. Palin as a pig, Obama is skilled in disrespecting women in ways subtle enough to give himself "plausible deniability."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
J-Boy Gas Attack

Lurch, Backstabber. Flanders, True Friend

He ignored my calls and is therefore a match-lighting-to-cover-fart-odors BACKSTABBER.

(Actual Photo)

Here he is, celebrating his backstabbing.
But just like in the aftermath of the terrible tragedy of 9-11, true heros emerged from the ashes. That hero is none other than Flanders.

Without so much as hesitating, he grabbed my wallet, brought it down, and handed it to me with kindness. No money was missing.
Thanks, Flanders. A True Friend.
Who Am I?

I love the outdoors,
I hunt, and can field dress a moose,
I am a Republican reformer,
I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,
I have many children,
I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor's office.
ANSWER: I am Teddy Roosevelt.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Call Shotgun!!

British Doctor Has Unique Treatment For Hair Loss

The Sun Has Set on the British Empire

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'
Man Has Sex With Parked Car - SUV
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Mooner Leaves His Mark!

No one has reported seeing the vandal in action. The only clue is a blurry picture of him caught by a surveillance camera at the middle school last year. The man was 6-feet-tall or slightly taller, and slender. He had a dark complexion, and McBride said the man's dark hair was styled in a "1980s, feathered look."
Spiking a Teacher's Food With Laxatives is NOT a Crime

Who among us did not pull this prank in junior or senior high school? Two Louisiana high school girls are fighting expulsion and criminal charges after officials discovered laxative-laced cupcakes left in the teachers' lounge. Jeannie Nguyen, 17, of Kenner, and Kamrin Kennedy, 17, of Marrero, were expelled from Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy after their principal, Kristi Phillippi, found 22 cupcakes spiked with a laxative. Officials said Nguyen and Kennedy made the cupcakes as a senior prank, but other students narked them out and warned a teacher. The girls confessed and were booked on charges of mingling harmful substances, which carries a two-year prison sentence and $1,000 fine as punishment, and were suspended for the rest of the school year. Man, things have changed. People are so sensitive these days.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Father Protects Slutty Daughter

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Democrats: Obama is Like Jesus!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obama's Environmental Advisors
Wow -- These people have serious problems, with little or nothing significant going on in their lives. If only we could all set aside real problems and devote ourselves to the trivial.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Men's Bathroom Rules
1. Don't talk to somebody you don't know. You may chat quietly with an acquaintance, but must absolutely not call attention to yourself. Once one of you starts going to the bathroom, all talk stops. Reduce noise at all costs. Grunting is not acceptable.
2. A quick glance in the mirror is permissible, but absolutely don't spend a significant time arranging hair, clothing, etc.
3. Given a string of unoccupied urinals, you must choose one on the outside. When one outside urinal is occupied, use the other side, then middle. Avoid standing directly next to somebody at all costs. If this can’t be done, leave and come back later. Better to have a ruptured bladder and infected kidney than to stand next to a dude taking a piss.
4. Always look at the wall. Looking down means you're obsessed or don't know what you're doing. Looking at other people is unacceptable.
5. Don't start unzipping until you're protected by the privacy of the urinal. Don't step back until you've closed your pants again.
6. Always flush the toilet when you are done– urinal or commode. Use your foot or paper-towel covered hand. But when you find an unflushed toilet, leave it alone and use another.
7. When using a urinal, stand between 3 to 5 inches from the porcelain.
8. WASH YOUR HANDS. After washing, use either latex gloves (my preference) or a paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the door. Keep paper towel or glove in hand until you have reached your final destination. There are a lot of doors out there that need opening.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Can There Be Any Doubt?
Friday, September 5, 2008
J-Boy: I Was Wrong

Earlier in this Blog, I objected to Sarah Palin. I now admit that I was wrong. Not that I am a femminist or anything, but the right man for the job is a woman. And a hot woman, at that. The only woman hotter than Sarah Palin is Cindy McCain. Man, what I would like to do to her. I'd trade all my golf trophies for just one chance . . . .
Asshole Alert - Bill Mayer

He totally out-did himself. This ugly American has now mocked Sarah Palin and her Downs Syndrome baby: "I guess she has some kind of Downs syndrome kid -- looks kinda like Jonathan Edwards. At 43, didn't she ever hear of pulling-out?" Disgraceful. But just like the Code Pink women who interrupted John McCain's speech: No Class.
Did you ever notice how Republicans and conservatives never sneak in and interrupt Democratic convention speeches. but the Democrats and liberals always do this at the Rebublican Conventions?
What a Loser -- Ty Caughlin's "Reverse Funnel System"
He hopes to reach "billions" of people selling this "reverse funnel system" (i.e., a pyramid scheme -- turn a funnel upside down, and that's what it is), but fewer than 4,000 have seen him on YouTube.