Sunday, October 19, 2008

McCain v. Obama Policy Differences

McCain - Vowed not to raise taxes; may reduce taxes.
Obama - Vowed to raise taxes on individuals and small businesses making more than $250,000.

McCain - Will freeze spending and veto pork barrel and earmark spending.
Obama - Will increase spending on social programs and expanding federal entitlement spending.

McCain - Opposes abortion, favors adoption alternative.
Obama - Encourages late term abortions at 8 1/2 months, no restrictions.

McCain - States his political views are shaped by his Christian beliefs.
Obama - Declared, "Whatever it once was, this is not a Christian nation anymore." Says, 'under God' should be removed from Pledge of Allegiance; mocks people with religious beliefs when speaking privately to liberal audiences.

McCain - Served country in Navy, POW camp, proud of his country.
Obama - Refuses to place hand over heart during Pledge; wife says America is 'downright mean' and not proud of America.

McCain - Would use military to protect U.S. interests and in areas where U.S. can make the outcome better.
Obama - Says there is "nothing special about the U.S., " and vows to sit down and negotiate with terrorists.

McCain - Suports the surge in both countries, vows troops will return home after victory.
Obama - Opposes use of military force, vows to withdraw troops in 16 months regardless of conditions.

McCain - Will not allow them to obtain nuclear weapons. Favors multilateral sanctions.
Obama - Favors sharing nuclear technology, direct diplomacy, meeting without preconditions.

McCain - Supports drilling, nuclear energey, tax credits to auto companies who develop zero-emission cars.
Obama - Supports subsidies to solar and wind energy. Opposes nuclear and oil.

McCain - Would allow insurance companies to sell across state lines; tax credits for health insurance premiums.
Obama - Government operated, mandated universal health care like Canada and UK.

McCain - People should keep what they earn with minimal taxes; encourages private charity.
Obama - Spread the wealth around so everyone can benefit from other people's work and innovation.

McCain - The Second Amendment guarantees individuals the right to own and posess guns for protection.
Obama - Only the government and military can own guns; favors banning private gun ownership.

McCain - Favors a Palestinian state while preserving Israel.
Obama - Says the U.S. is "too close" with Israel, favors sanctions against Israel.

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