Monday, October 20, 2008

My Cancellation Letter to Men's Health

As many of you know, I "beef it" 4 times per week (that is slang for lifting weights for purposes of gaining muscle mass). Often, I use "Men's Health" as a resource for learning new routines to mix it up. Sadly, the editorial board has endorsed Barack Hussein Obama and placed him on the front cover with a fluff piece. I have now cancelled by subscription, and sent the following e-mail to their subscription services:

"Gentlemen: I do not subscribe to Men's Health for political indoctrination -- I want health and fitness information. Period. Your cover story and fluff piece on Obama this month is quite annoying, not only because of its tacit endorsement of a candidate I do not support but also because McCain's story as a POW is far, far more inspirational than Obama's story. How does a man survive the POW experience? That would have been a riveting story, but was not even covered. I guess Obama's experience of "community organizing" -- what ever that means (knocking on doors for signatures??)-- was more interesting to the editorial board. Anyway, cancel my subscription immediately and refund the difference. This subscription has been a discretionary expense, and if I'm not getting what I paid for, I see no point in continuing."


  1. Pretty nice site, wants to see much more on it.

  2. I agree completely with the comments on the Men's Health issue. The mere fact that Obama was on the cover doesn't bother me. It is the fact that it was released a few weeks before the election. This was a clear ploy to help the campaign. (regardless of what their customer service employees may tell you). I also have said "goodbye" to the magazine.
